Man is a social animal. It is such an animal, which has a social instinct also. A human being is much more seperat than the other fellow animals, very particularly, the way of living. Where the difference lies and why it is such? In fact 'the society' is responsible for it.Therefore 'the society' can not denay the responcibility of it's outcome. MY EMAIL ID; MOB-9893058429.

Sunday 28 June 2009

Which one is older - "Leaving together' or 'Marriage"?

'Leaving together' versus ‘marriage’
There was a question in that “Do women in India believe in living together with a ‘boy friend’ before marriage?”
My answer was -
· First of all, do not categorise all men and women in one or same category in this regard.
· A section of people do this and believe it as ‘no wrong’.
· I know a good amount of people going through such type of relationship and they become parents latter on.
· Our ‘film industry’ and the ‘political arena’ are the biggest producer of such relationship.
· Even middle class and poor section also go through it-in good numbers.
· Still then people(man and woman both) believe and relay more on - marriage. They feel - free & reliable – ‘the marriage’ more than the
· ‘leaving together’.
· Do not mark ‘leaving together’, as an western culture, it is an ancient Indian culture also.
· Do not be confused about ‘leaving together’ as a modern concept introduced in modern society. It is as old as the human society come to its existance. In comparison between marriage & leaving together marriage is a new concept introduced in the society. Therefore leaving together is the older and original, system than the marriage.
· If anybody likes to do more discussions in this regard, welcome .

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