Man is a social animal. It is such an animal, which has a social instinct also. A human being is much more seperat than the other fellow animals, very particularly, the way of living. Where the difference lies and why it is such? In fact 'the society' is responsible for it.Therefore 'the society' can not denay the responcibility of it's outcome. MY EMAIL ID; MOB-9893058429.

Saturday, 8 May 2010


We need a separate set of laws, for honour killing – like 498A or DV act.

Today there is a flood of - honour killing, very particularly on the ground of matrimony.
A large number of people desires that their daughter, sister, will move in marimoney, according to their will, instead of the girl’s own choice/ will. It seems that a girl child is equivalent to cattle, like cow, buffalo or sheep. The girl child can be sent to a place for intercourse according to the choice and purpose of their owners – instead of her own will. The so called ‘honour killing’, makes the cat out of the bag.
We know from the sociologists & psychologists that, the female members of the society first exploited and faced zender discrimination, at their parental home. My personal experience and observation is also same. Not all, but a large number of the parents differ among their children on the ground of sex and provide lion’s share to the son, and deprive the girl child from equality within the family.
A separate section added for murder and cruelty to ‘wife’ – in IPC for the sake of good matrimonial governance.
The Parliament should not overlook the above facts and should create a separate section for such wicked brothers and parents of the victim – girl child?
A separate section in IPC for such murder and cruelty may please be considered to stop such offencess?

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