Man is a social animal. It is such an animal, which has a social instinct also. A human being is much more seperat than the other fellow animals, very particularly, the way of living. Where the difference lies and why it is such? In fact 'the society' is responsible for it.Therefore 'the society' can not denay the responcibility of it's outcome. MY EMAIL ID; MOB-9893058429.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

The labour : Relation between the labour and the food.

Why should food get charged? Has nature not provided it to man for free?

No, not free. One has to put labour for accruing it, either by hunting or by purchase. One more thing that nature not provide food for any animal.

It is the animals who hunt or collect foods from nature. It is direct for animals, but in case of human being the food collection system is different. They collect it from market. In market they exchange labour and collect food. Money is the medium of exchange. We put labour in one market and get money for it. It is sale of labour, in terms of money. In another market, we give money for food and other commodities, and purchase it.


"Do we pay anyone to breathe oxygen?"


For medical purposes, Oxygen extracts from air mechanically, we have to purchase these as oxygen cylinders; similarly rock climbers and people works under the sea use Oxygen cylinders; they collect it on payment. Oxygen chambers are also there - available on payment basis.

Where the question is - breathing oxygen; we take it directly from the nature by putting efforts (which is equal to pay labour). Though it is free in the sense that we need not exchange labour; but we directly put labour to take it from nature.

So why should we pay for food?

Please do not pay for 'food'. You have the every right to starve.

"Should it not be a fundamental right of each person to get food for free?"

So far - it is not a fundamental right, but, it should be.

It is possible only when all the members of the society, - works free for the society. Otherwise it will simply be another type of exploitation.

Some of our states provide free rice or electricity to the poor people, it seems that it is apparently good but basically it is one type of exploitation. Somewhere, someone paying labour for it, - and some other person enjoy the benefit of that labour, without paying any labour against the free rice or electricity. Where someone pay labour and some other person enjoy it's fruit.

Actually it is a communist approach to the society. I believe that - society moving slowly towards communism, whether we like or dislike is separate thing, but the movement of the society towards communism is a 'definite truth'. It is scientific as well as absolute truth also.

"Was it not god's plan to provide food,air and water for free to all living beings? "

There is no god, nothing like a god, it is imagination only. It is a vague imagination that " god's plan to provide food, air and water for free"

Have you ever seen or experience that - a rat comes before the cat for the purpose of eating itself by the cat?

There is a sanskrit shloke that - "nahi suptasya singhsya prabishanti mukhe mrigaa." ( never a deer reach to the mouth of a sleeping lion).

Therefore we collect food from nature by our efforts and labour and it is the ultimate truth.

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