Man is a social animal. It is such an animal, which has a social instinct also. A human being is much more seperat than the other fellow animals, very particularly, the way of living. Where the difference lies and why it is such? In fact 'the society' is responsible for it.Therefore 'the society' can not denay the responcibility of it's outcome. MY EMAIL ID; MOB-9893058429.

Monday, 28 November 2011

CORRUPTION IN INDIA - In ancient india, there was zero tolerance for corruption - In ancient Tamil Nadu, there was zero tolerance for corruption - In ancient India, there was zero tolerance for corruption

By google search, one may see the web pages, but I could not find the original writings of

After reading the three web pages, I came to understand that, there was strong punishment prescribed for corruption. It is also available in present law of India also. There is no shortage of law or punishment. If another strong law introduced, it will help the fighters against corruption.

In my opinion, strength of law is not in question here. The real question is,

(i) Whether corrupt people caught and punished according to law?

(ii) Whether after corruption, all the necessary datas are easily available?

(iii) Whether the corrupt people punished at earliest possibilities?

(iv)Whether the corrupt people able to take advantage of scientific development for the purpose of hiding their misdeeds?

and some other similar questions.

As our society being more and more complicated, huge budget, huge population, less govt. employees, govt. is pro business world, no control of the people on day to day governance; contradictory people are seated in the govt., naturally the corrupt people taking advantage of it. Small states and nations are comparatively less corrupted. Direct democracy may help to improve this adverse position. There is no party, which people found absolutely uncorrupted.

When I see towards India, I found that corruption is everywhere, in every sphere, in every level, either by this way or that way. Even I cannot certify myself as a non corrupt. Everyone knows his own corruption.

But these do not mean that there is no need of fighting against corruption. Fighters against corruption will win must, though not today but must tomorrow.

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